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About Us

The ‘Gems & Jewels Multi-Cultural Empowerment Center (GJMEC)’ is a not-for-profit organization that serves a diverse demographic of youth and young adults of various cultures; offering services that not only empower our youth and young adults, but also strengthen the family unit.
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Our Approach

Our approach to learning and finding self-worth are likened to the formation, mining, and harvesting of actual jewel stones in the earth. With all the negative energy and lowered expectations of society today, we're taking a different approach to self-help seminars and education.
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Our Programs

Our programs are a set of comprehensive self-awareness programs designed assist in promoting and improving self-worth, motivation, productivity, behavior, good citizenship, improved synergy with others, building stronger communities and, many other developing attributes.
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Gems and Jewels

Reaching youth and young adults at the best age to make the most impact.

Specialty Programs

  • Global Opportunity for Leadership Development (GOLD)

    The goal of GOLD is to develop and create strong leaders. Our Statement of Commitment declares: ‘Striving for the Gold’, which is the systematic and expository teaching module facilitated by credentialed, licensed, experienced, and accredited teachers, counselors, and personnel referred to as ‘gemologists’ or ‘jewelers’ to support the concept of GJMEC.
  • Building Leaders Now (Leadership Academy)

    This program teaches our youth about becoming future leaders and entrepreneurs . To be a successful entrepreneur requires leadership capabilities and responsibilities. This program equips our youth with the necessary tools, including management skills, etc., to be effective leaders and successful entrepreneurs.
  • Detention Prevention

    This program assists parents in need of assistance with their child(ren) (age 8 - 16) to keep them out of detention by offering positive-based curriculum to prevent them from operating in a negative capacity but in a manner that will produce positive results for their future. It offers preventative measures or alternatives by showing them what will happen if they don’t change their behaviors or the course that they are on that will result in detention, which in turn will negatively affect their future. We want to prevent them from going down this path because we know their true worth and potential for a bright future.


I absolutely LOVE the Gems & Jewels for making such a difference in my kids’ life ranging from the ages of 5-17.  They have been a part of the organization for the past 4 years and I have witnessed the change in their behavior and academics.  Also, their confidence level has skyrocketed.

Amanda Littleton, Parent

The Gems & Jewels helped me to develop my social skills and got me in touch with my self-identity.

LaSharae, Student/Program Participant