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  • Our Approach

    The ‘Gems & Jewels’ approach to learning, teaching, and finding self-worth are likened to the formation, mining, and harvesting of actual jewel stones in the earth. With all the negative energy, media attention, and lowered expectations of society today, we decided to take a different approach to self-help seminars and education. We see the jewel after it is cut and polished, set in band, and on display for most admirers to appreciate it. However, that jewel journeyed through a very difficult and tedious formation and extracting process. The process to dig and harvest those jewels from deep in the earth through mining has its challenges as well.
  • Our Key Strategy

    Likened to the principles of the formation of a diamond, our key strategy is to cut and add dimensions without damaging or destroying the original rock. Gems and Jewels must be cut to add beauty, rocks must be formed, cut or STRESSED to a degree without adding unnecessary DISTRESS. Stressing, shaping, and molding is part of “the process.” We add value to people through enhancing mentorship without destroying/damaging their self-worth, esteem or causing emotional distress.
  • Our Process

    The purification process of a diamond for example, from mining to ultimately being on display in a jewelry store, can be followed as we place esteemed value on each individual person.