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  • Taking Responsibility

    Taking responsibility for our next generation can be a challenging process; yet it is a rewarding process that yields the ‘seed’ of good fruit for generations to come.
  • Preparation and Empowerment

    The preparation and empowerment of our youth and young adults is our duty as well as a moral obligation to the leaders of tomorrow.
  • Moral Responsibility

    We have a moral responsibility in our communities, schools, and families to extend a life-changing application. The demand calls for action by caring & concerned citizens.
  • Passing the Baton

    Passing the baton, granting the rites of passage into the discovery of manhood/womanhood, we can help develop and refine them into precious ‘Gems & Jewels’ for their generation and beyond.
  • Age of Accountability

    Starting at the age of accountability, we must begin finding, establishing, and reinforcing self-worth and value in our youth. We must equip them with the proper resources to help them make positive and appropriate life-changing decisions that may impact them for the rest of their lives. Building tomorrow’s adults and leaders, today!