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  • Global Opportunity for Leadership Development (GOLD)

    The goal of GOLD is to develop and create strong leaders. Our Statement of Commitment declares: ‘Striving for the Gold’, which is the systematic and expository teaching module facilitated by credentialed, licensed, experienced, and accredited teachers, counselors, and personnel referred to as ‘gemologists’ or ‘jewelers’ to support the concept of GJMEC.
  • Gem Kidz

    This program is for youth ages 4-12. We start them out at a young age where we can impart the principles of GJMEC in them at an early stage; whereby they learn about self-worth and the true value that they possess. This program helps the 4-12 age group develop good habits and behaviors, along with positive life skills. By starting at an early age, it will become more effective before they become exposed to bad behaviors or environments as well as avert them from developing bad attitudes or behaviors. When they’re young they’re more impressionable. If we reach them at an early age it affords us the opportunity to make a lasting impression on their mindset to receive the value of who they are and who they can become.
  • Detention Prevention

    This program assists parents in need of assistance with their child(ren) (age 8 – 16) to keep them out of detention by offering positive-based curriculum to prevent them from operating in a negative capacity or manner but in a manner that will produce positive results for their future. More specifically, this program offers preventative measures or alternatives by showing them what will happen if they don’t change their behaviors or the course that they are on that will result in detention, which in turn results in a negative behavior or lifestyle that will negatively affect their future. We want to prevent them from going down this path because we know their true worth and potential for a bright future.
  • Building Leaders Now (Leadership Academy)

    This program teaches our youth about becoming future leaders and entrepreneurs. To be a successful entrepreneur requires leadership capabilities and responsibilities. This program equips our youth with the necessary tools, including management skills, etc., to be effective leaders and successful entrepreneurs.
  • Diamond ‘LIFE’ Boot Camp

    This is a program to help young people who have gotten in trouble or to help parents in need of assistance because of bad behaviors exhibited by their child(ren). It’s designed to re-structure their lives, to get them on the right track by providing boot camp components in the areas of discipline and self-discipline, etc. This ‘Living in Full Effect’ (LIFE) boot camp will provide re-direction where they’ve gotten off track. The boot camp allows individuals to see an altruistic approach for how their lives can be changed to where the participants can ultimately live a more fulfilled life.
  • Diamond ‘LIFE’ Transition Academy

    This is a program that is designed to improve outcomes for our youth once they leave the detention center. Through this program, previously incarcerated youth discover new expectations, new values, and purpose, which together help prevent repeat incarceration. This goal is achieved through GJMEC’s transition services, which helps affected youth attain social adjustment, employment, and educational success once they leave the juvenile justice system.
  • Special Needs Program

    This program meets the needs of those with special needs. We feel all children and youth deserve to feel special like the precious “Gems” they are regardless of their Physical and/or Learning Disability. We understand that a child with a disability won’t be able to do everything their peers can do-and that’s okay as they can enjoy themselves engaging in crafts and other activities designed with them in mind.